Welcome to the August Newsletter

A very warm welcome to you and your family. I hope you enjoy our August issue of “Moments in Time”

Have you ever had times in your life where you thought, I wish I could freeze frame this moment? Stop time dead in its tracks, take a little piece of it and carry it with you forever?

I have, often. Starting when my babies were tiny and many more times as they grew. I often wished I could always have this memory and feeling of how my baby looks, feels and smells. For many of us a great way to record these significant events is to write about them and photograph them. Lucky for us digital photography and the internet has helped us to compile and record our stories.

If you would like to share your moments, then please email me at [email protected] or post them on our facebook page Caring Hands Home Maternity Services. I look forward to receiving them.

Featuring in this issue is John from PharmaSave at Clontarf and the launch of our brand new FREE Baby Clinic in his pharmacy. The free clinic will be held by myself every second Tuesday, starting Tuesday the 2nd of August from 9am till 3 pm.

Also this month, you can read about Caring Hands Wellness Program designed to nurture and support families as they progress through their pregnancy journey. I will be offering discounts on packages and gift vouchers purchased from now till the end of September.

As always I am available to help you anytime so please don’t hesitate to contact me if you, your family or friends would like some home maternity care.  www.caringhands.com.au


Amanda Sykes

Caring Hands Home Maternity Service