Physiotherapist Professional Tips for Families

Hi, my name is Dave Matson. I am a Physiotherapist at ICare Rehab Queensland in Clontarf.  Thank you Amanda for this opportunity to provide some information and tips, especially with Father’s Day coming up.

I qualified as a Physiotherapist in May 1997 & started my own business 2 years ago after working in Qld Health for 15 years.

At ICare Rehab Queensland we offer Physiotherapy Services and mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.  We aim to provide an effective and up-to-date treatment for your condition utilising evidence based practice. Check out our website to read more about our unique services. Our services are extensive. For example we offer; Sports pre-habilitation; Neurological facilitation; Hyperbaric chamber; Dry needling and manual therapy; home visits and much more.

Dave’s Professional Tips for Families

I suppose with Father’s Day coming up a few tips for the Dad’s would be warranted, but I think these tips will be good for us all.  So in keeping with the maternity theme and having little people around I have chosen:

Lifting & Back care:

  1. Maintain or develop a bit of fitness. It will help a few other areas (call it a short cut!)
  2. Breathing. This can provide the muscles with some oxygen but also make you a little stronger around your trunk.
  3. Posture. Says it all.
  4. Last one. Regular clients will have heard me say:- take 2 minutes to walk 2 meters. Try it when you put the kettle on and going to the fridge to get the milk!

Good Luck!


Don’t forget to mention Amanda’s Caring Hands service when booking and receive your 15% discount on all treatments

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T: (07) 3283 7370 | E: [email protected] | W:

A:  5 Mayleen Street, Clontarf QLD 4019 (Behind the Mayleen Health Care building, follow the path to the left)